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Nur Liyana Hussin is a final year student from School of Computer Science in Universiti Sains Malaysia. She is taking Software Engineering as her major and Management as her minor. Liyana is a fast learner and also works so well in teams as it is a crucial skill that is needed for Software Engineers. She is developing a mobile application that allow users to get the estimate bus arrival time using crowdsourcing approach for her final year project. She is expecting to graduate in July 2021 and is seeking for a position that can allow her to continue learning and improve her skills, so that she can provide a high-quality work in the future.

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PM. Dr. Cheah Yu-N

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Crowdsourcing Approach for Bus Arrival Time Estimation

FindBus is an application that is used to estimate the real-time bus arrival time and provide the other related information about the bus to their passengers using crowdsourcing approach. This application is mainly focus for passenger of RapidPenang bus only. There will be two users for this application which are the passengers and administrator of RapidPenang bus.
There are a few objectives of this application. The first objective of this application is to provide an accurate bus arrival time and other related information such as bus location, bus number, bus capacity and the traffic situation on the route for the user using crowdsourcing approach with the present of GPS. From the bus arrival time information that is gathered and provided by the system, passenger can manage their time properly as they do not need to wait for a long time. The second objective is to improve the service of RapidPenang bus using the information like traffic situation and bus capacity that is reported by the passenger. They can get make an analysis about what they lack off and what they can maintain so that they can make more customer in the future. The third objective of this application is to ease the bus passenger to pay for bus fare by using QR code. Cashless payment can help the bus to run smoothly and passengers does not need to waste their time in lining up to pay the bus fare. This application is very useful during pandemic era as it can help to reduce the human interaction.





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Universiti Sains Malaysia
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