Muhammad Syamim bin Mustapa is the one that always thrilled while looking at data. During his degree phase at Universiti Sains Malaysia under USM School of Computer Science, Syamim is majoring in Information System Engineering and minoring in Psychology. He learned the importance of technological advanced and automation that can help to thrive for a better future. At a recent time, he finished a final year project on exploring data to enhance the visualization and deliver meaningful information. Syamim aspires to be in part with the technological growth in order to achieve better future.
Matrix No:
Student Email:
Dr. Gan Keng Hoon
Supervisor Email:
Expert Search & Analytics - Organizational Research Excellence
In the comprehensive use of the internet, all the information is at our fingertips. Day by day, tons of articles were published by lecturers at various research websites. This project Expert Search & Analytics is proposed to assist the lecturers and School of Computer Sciences to keep track with their research performance. This system helps to monitor the research performance to make sure all the lecturers and School can continuously be provided with information regarding the performance. It also provides personal or school statistics using advanced visual components by data extracting from Scopus excel. The expected outcome should be the project is able to monitor the research performance while delivering meaningful information to the lecturers and School of Computer Sciences. In short, this Expert Search & Analytics can enhance the research performance for the lecturers and School of Computer Sciences.